Before she became one of the world's most important and loved novelists, Margaret Atwood was a poet. Dearly is her first collection in over a decade. It brings together many of her most recognisable and celebrated themes, but distilled -- from minutely perfect descriptions of the natural world to startlingly witty encounters with aliens, from pressing political issues to myth and legend.
By turns moving, playful and wise, the poems gathered in Dearly are about absences and endings, ageing and retrospection, but also about gifts and renewals. They explore bodies and minds in flux, as well as the everyday objects and rituals that embed us in the present. Werewolves, sirens and dreams make their appearance, as do various forms of animal life and fragments of our damaged environment.
Dearly is a pure Atwood delight, and long-term readers and new fans alike will treasure its insight, empathy and humour.
MARGARET ATWOOD (Ottawa 1939) és autora de més d'una trentena d'obres de narrativa, assaig i poesia. S'ha consolidat com l'escriptora més important de la literatura canadenca actual. Entre les seves novel·les cal destacar The Handmaid's Tale i Cat's Eye, totes dues finalistes del Premi Booker, The Robber Bride, i la recent Alias Grace, que també va ser finalista del Booker i va guanyar el Premi Giller (Canadà) i el Premi Mondello (Itàlia). L'assassí cec va obtenir els premis Booker (2000) i Hammett (2001). La revista Time la va distingir com la millor novel·la de l'any 2000 i la va escollir entre les cent millors novel·les escrites en anglès des del 1923. Aquesta obra de Margaret Atwood ha merescut el reconeixement internacional i ha estat traduïda a trenta-tres llengües.