When investigative journalist Gina Kane receives an email from a 'CRyan' describing her 'terrible experience' while working at REL, a high-profile television news network, including the comment 'and Im not the only one,' Gina knows she has to pursue the story. But when Ryan goes silent, Gina is shocked to discover the young woman has died tragically in a Jet Ski accident while on holiday.
Meanwhile, REL counsel Michael Carter finds himself in a tricky spot. Several female employees have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. Carter approaches the CEO, offering to persuade the victims to accept settlements in exchange for their silence. Its a risky endeavor, but it could well make him rich.
As more allegations emerge and the companys IPO draws near, Carters attempts to keep the story from making headlines are matched only by Gina Kanes determination to uncover the truth. Was Ryans death truly an accident? And when another accuser turns up dead, Gina realizes someone?or some people?will go to depraved lengths to keep the story from seeing the light.
The novels of Mary Higgins Clark are perfect for fans of Sabine Durant, Shari Lapena and everyone who loves a good mystery...
Mary Higgins Clark (Nova York, 1931) és autora d'una trentena de novel·les de suspens, la majoria de les quals són best-sellers mundials. L'associació nordamericana d'escriptors de novel·les de misteri la va escollir l'any 2000 com a Gran Mestra. Edicions 62 edita les seves principals obres de suspens: Enlloc com a casa, Bessones vestides de blau, Em sona aquesta cançó, On t'amagues?, Records d'una altra vida, L'ombra del teu somriure i Caminaré sola.