Unit 1: You are late!</br>Unit 2: The boss is going crazy. </br>Unit 3: There is a problem with this report!</br>Unit 4: The boss always asks difficult questions</br>Unit 5: Oh no! The boss is going to kill me! </br>Unit 6: Can you speak English? </br>Unit 7: Did you hear what I said? </br>Unit 8: I told you to be on time! </br>Unit 9: My English is better than yours!</br>Unit 10: Have you spoken to the boss yet? </br>Unit 11: Would you jump if the boss told you to? </br>Unit 12: You’d better take your job seriously!</br>Appendix</br>
El módulo Inglés forma parte del siguiente Título de grado medio: Técnico en Gestión Administrativa. . Este módulo está asociado a la Unidad de Competencia siguiente: Comunicarse en una lengua extranjera con un nivel usuario independiente en las actividad