HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The horrid mystery hanging over us in this house gets into my head like liquor, and makes me wild.' Centred around a glorious yellow diamond that carries with it a menacing history, The Moonstone tells the story of Rachel Verinder, who inherits the stone on her eighteenth birthday. That very evening, the diamond is stolen and there begins an epic enquiry into hunting down the thief. At the same time, three Indian men, Brahmin guardians of the diamond are attempting to reclaim the stone in order to return it to their sacred Hindu Idol. Told from the perspective of 11different characters, Wilkie Collins' tale of mystery and suspicion was considered the first modern English detective novel at its time of publication.
Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) Londresen jaio eta bertan bizi izan zen ia bizitza osoan. 1851n, Charles Dickens ezagutu zuen, antzerkirako zaletasunak elkarturik. Handik aurrera, Collins eta Dickens lagun handiak egin ziren, eta elkarlanean aritu ziren. Collins oso idazle oparoa izan zen, eta arrakasta handikoa. Hogeita sei urterekin argiraratu zuen bere fikziozko lehen lana, Antonina or the Fall of Rome, eta 1860ko hamaraldian idatzi zituen bere lanik on eta ezagunnenak: The woman in white eta Ilargi-harria. Azkeneko hori izan zen, hain zuzen, Collinsek erreskadan idatzitako laugarren 'best-sellerra'