The Collector's Colour Library takes the favourite illustrated titles of The Collector's Library and presents them in full colour. Original colour illustrations are faithfully reproduced, and where illustrations and decorations were originally black-and-white they have been sensitively coloured by Barbara Frith, one of Britain's most accomplished colourists. One of the most celebrated works of classic literature for children, The Wind in the Willows follows Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger from one adventure to the next - in gipsy caravans, stolen sports cars, to prison and back to the Wild Wood. A story of animal cunning and human camaraderie, this remains a timeless tale more than 100 years after its publication. There are sixteen full colour pictures by Arthur Rackham. Barbara Frith has coloured the chapter headings.
Kenneth Grahame (Edimburgo, 1859- Berkshire, 1932) foi un escritor escocés, coñecido principalmente pola súa obra O vento nos salgueiros (1908), concibida como unha serie de contos para antes de durmir para o seu fillo Alastair.
Grahame vivu a súa infancia coa súa avoa, despois do pasamento da súa nai e dos problemas de alcolismo do seu pai. Aínda que foi un alumno destacado, non puido estudar na Universidade de Oxford por motivos económicos e axiña comezou a traballar no Banco de Inglaterra, do que se retirou por motivos de saúde no ano 1908.