A dark, rainy day in Scotland, long ago. Returning from battle, Macbeth and his friend Banquo meet three witches. 'Macbeth, the king!' they say, but Macbeth is not a king, he is just a simple soldier. Macbeth and Banquo cannot forget the witches' words. Soon Macbeth is king, but his wife walks in her sleep at night, and dreams of blood. What lies in the future for Banquo? And how many people must die before Scotland finds peace once more?
William Shakespeare (Straford-upon-Avon 1564-1616) va ser actor, poeta i dramaturg. Les seves obres, escrites a finals del segle XVI i començaments del XVII (moment en el qual escriu les tragèdies més conegudes), són representades avui arreu del món de manera regular. De Shakespeare, i en traducció de Joan Sellent, Quaderns Crema ha publicat Hamlet (2000) i El rei Lear (2008).