It is one of the more surprising facts about Old England that one can still find
families living in the same houses their ancestors built centuries before and on
land that has belonged to them since before the Norman Conquest. The
Gropes of Grope Hall are one such family....
A TOP TEN BESTSELLING AUTHOR -- both editions of Wilt in Nowhere went
straight into the top ten and have sold over 300,000 copies in hardback and
paperback editions.
Tom Sharpe has a huge fan-base and has created some of the most
memorable characters in English fiction.
Tom Sharpe, nacido en Inglaterra en 1928, goza de la merecida reputación de ser «el novelista más divertido de nuestros días» (The Times). En Anagrama se ha publicado la totalidad de su obra narrativa: Wilt, Las tribulaciones de Wilt, ¡Ánimo, Wilt!, Reunión tumultuosa, Exhibición impúdica, Una dama en apuros, El temible Blott, Vicios ancestrales, Zafarrancho en Cambridge, El bastardo recalcitrante, La gran pesquisa, Lo peor de cada casa, Becas flacas, Wilt no se aclara y Los Grope.